Sunday, September 1, 2024

Its Been A long Time

 I'm backkkk. Went into hibernation, didn't know social media had become the way of life for so many to the point, a lot of young people don't leave their houses to go to work anymore. And the money they are making is crazy, I shoukd have kept up my page or even went online on YouTube. So now I'm coming back and I want to talk to people, especially ypung people. Tell me what's on your mind,  if you worried about your situations the world, lay the questions on Mr and I will try my best to give you a answer that will stir you and a positive direction,  I see to many going doing a hole that is too deep, making themselves clowns, and doing anything for a dollar bill. My thoughts will come from the heart, after my prayer have been made, if irs too deep for me I will let you know where you need to go. Okay, open up let me in, and your questions will be on lock down. It becomes a lock down like a person of mute status, it hoes not beyond us. Let's do this!!!

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Sister Wives (What a Season, What a Lesson, What a Tell All)


 I am back and my biggest talk about, yes it is Sister Wives. I have been watching this show for years and I was yes, one of them fans. I believed the hype that it is really a plural family that can make these kind of marriages work, until 2020 and it all came tumbling down. Here we are in 2023 and Kody and his legal wife Robyn are living on a mansion in the hills, lol. Wow, I was not expecting this, I was not expecting it too go this far, I mean in Vegas I began to see a little of what I was not sure about, but brushed it off, but then we need to immediately move to Arizonia made me wonder, we are getting this great land, but no one could agree on a plan, we will build all one house, with a wife who did not relate to the other wives, nope not happening. It all became apparent and we started to see Kody's and Robyn's handwriting on the wall and so did Christine, was it a plan all along, was this move because of Robyn when they all were so happy in Vegas, living in that culdsac that they all were within steps of one another and could have holidays and no noisy neighbors because they were each other neighbors, but was Robyn happy with this, did Robyn want more of Kody's time, did Robyn not want to interact with the other women, did Robyn want to follow her son who wanted to go to school in Arizona, is Robyn that helicopter mom, was it all a plan on Robyn and her kids behalf, did Robyn need to get out of debt and did greed overcome Robyn and Kody. Now they got us going back on old episodes and going back on these old episodes tell it all, oh we see some sneaky moments on Kody part, we see where Janelle predicted this might be their downfall with a fourth wife and we especially see how Christine and her youngest child began to be x's on Kody's agenda because he decided to date Robyn while Christine was pregnant and he seem to almost not acknowledge her during that pregnancy, then the baby girl Truly comes along and Kody is just none existent because he has to prepare his life with Robyn, wow. So now we in the know, we all know Kody's an ahole, what we know even more is that Robyn was delighting in the fact that she had this man who had other wives but he was focusing on her, and she even didn't care that Christine called Kody to say that she was about to have the baby, she wanted him to give her that kiss. Now they got me looking at them side eye, trying to figure out what kind of religion or people standards, I don't  know what this crap is, why did I not take notice of their actions before. So they were not suppose to have sex before marriage, but obviously Robyn and Kody had sex before they got married, we not stupid, lol. And Robyn came in disrespecting the other wives with the show of her actions. You know all these years of watching the show I thought it was interesting, but now it is actually interesting, because the wives who are walking away are telling things and boy is it juicy. These wives all need a show where they really tell it all, including Meri, even though Janelle and Meri relationship was estranged, now knowing that Meri was actually played a fool by Robyn, Janelle just forgive and let go. We need all three ex wives on the show doing they on tell all and we need to see them all with their own men, ohh I so for that. Maybe they can all just help with Christine wedding and as they are helping out with her wedding they all just drop some little teas here and there, we be listening, we will drink the tea, we will eat the snacks, lol. I am telling you if they do this and have like a two or three hour special on Christine fairytale wedding, I would have the snacks, the wine and twitter on hand to talk about as it is going on. We could make this wedding episode one of the highest rating, most talked about mini series. But like I said we have to have all three exes involved, telling bits of their stories, and just loving on each other to show a women strong front. They were all sister wives that I actually saw a great relationship with at one time and I think they can come together as friends for Christine's wedding. I want Christine to invite Meri to her wedding, explain to Janelle that we have each other and now we just need to bring a women who shared most of our adult live together with our children in, she deserves love and she now knows, I am sure, what she did hurt others and she needs our compassion not hatred. I just putting on a good speech that Christine could give Janelle, who seems to dislike Meri, for why Meri should be invited to the wedding and helping them with the preparations.  But I am so glad all these women walked away from Kody, this is the best season ever, him and Robyn who has been close and spending so much time, deserve each other and can now focus on only them, which they wanted in the first place, the only difference is they will have to get real jobs to bring money in since they no longer have the other women paycheck, lol.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

Charlie Angels 2019 (International Angels) A Movie worth watching

Wow, what can I say about this movie, it was all that and a bag of chips, Camron Diez eat your heart out. This women whom half of them I did not know them by name did a job that was beyond marvelous. They did their thing and what I am wondering is why wasn't told about this movie. This movie went right into action and not only that they paid tribute to all the angels of the past and they way they turned everything around to fit todays modern style angel fighters were great. This move paid so much tribute to women all over the work, it was just so sweet, and what else was that it did not have any major stars to make it a great movie. Yes it had major stars but they were not the key stars, it was how these women took this movie, a classic television show, turned it around and made it theirs, yesss I am telling you I love it and not only that I look so forward to these woman doing another movie. Maybe these women could start the new series of Charlie Angels, yes I know everyone who watch Charlie Angels like I did don't think that it could be remade because of all the celebrities' and how great the past iconic women played the part, but I am telling you if you watch this Charlie movie 2019 international you will think differently, especially the young generation. They may not have watch the original Charlie Angels and what is so great about this movie, is they don't have too,  because these ladies brought this new generation of Charlie Angels to life and like I said I personally think they should get the kudos they were not given because they did a markelous job and making it theirs and performing, all I could say was wow, I was entertained the entire movie Yes I was old school Charlie Angels but if I had to have it redone, and yes I saw the one with Drew, Cameron and all, but they did not make a new age or make it their own, they were more focus on bringing the old one back to life, but this is not what these women focused on at all. They made these angels all theirs and that is what the movie and entire script focused on, it talked of the old angels and let the audience know that it was over 40 years now we have an international group of angels and bossies all over the world and they come in every shape, size and color. With what is going on in this country and world today, this movie that I choose to watch tonight was the perfect choice and I suggest that everyone who haven't watch it too watch it, and those who have watched it and didn't get what I got out it, I suggest you watch it again.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Creepshow and Twilight Zone

Me and someone else were talking this past weekend about marathons on television and we couldn't find anything to look at for the memorial weekend and we had a lot of free time off our hands. We got to talking about shows we like and we both talk about the original creepshow and how that has not been shown in a while and how great it would have been for a television station to have played that for us to enjoy on our free weekend, especially sense they showed the kind of creepy shows that you want to pop popcorn and eat while you are watching. I especially had to admit I miss the Skelton man that did the odd laugh and talk about all these dummies who find themselves in a very odd situation. Then came to mind for me, my all time favorite television series that had a little creepiness' to it was, of course the twilight zone, why did not any of the stations think to do a twilight zone marathon, this would have been perfect, and I would have stayed up all night watch each and every episode. Twilight Zone has something of everything in it which would make it a great marathon for those long weekends that people may have at home, especially now since people are not trying to go out like they use too. Yes there has been time when people play some marathons too much, but since there has not been a marathon of neither of these shows in a while, why not pick a long weekend and show it, give people who decide to abide by the social distancing and keeping their standards to staying at home then hanging in the streets a reason to want to stay at home and give them something good to look at. Because the new norm as I see it is get your food to go at a restaurant and take your butt back home and eat it, or cook your own food and keep your distance so that you don't have to worry about putting yourself or others in danger. So come on television broadcasters give us some good programming that will make us want to stay in and abide by the social distancing to keep us from affecting one another. We all still need to keep it safe and doing this we have to be more creative with at home ideas, less parties and get together and more television shows and movies and then we can go online and have like a talk party about the shows we watch. Instead of a watch party, it is a talk party online and we can all give our own opinion of what we thought about the show.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Little People, Big World

Little People, Big World returned and all I can say is wow. Wow is what I say seeing a relationship as long as Amy and Matt fall apart with third wheel named Caryn butting in and making what I call a hostile parting of ways. Do anyone think that Mat would be as cruel as he is towards Amy if Caryn was not in picture. Amy decided to take a buy out and now she is house hunting but Mat is so anxious to get Amy off the property it is killing him. He is making unnecessary jokes towards this woman and her decision making. In essence Mat is a short bully, he is bullied Amy into making a decision on too sale, he bullied Amy about condition of house and he brought in his own appraiser, to of course get a cheaper buy out, now he is really bullying Amy to moving out, what is such the rush dude. This woman lived on this farm for 30 years with you and now you think she is moving to slow. I know Caryn has her own plans but you need to give a woman who had thirty years to settle here, more than a month to move out. Matt you are a big bully and you think having Caryn by your side makes you some sort of big man, who has a right to bully your ex and what is even worse of Matt, he discuss everything he does with Amy to Caryn. I don't care if Caryn is your so called girlfriend, she is only hearing your side of the story and she should stay out any situation that is between you two, that includes decision that is made on grandchildren, the farm buyout and the selling of the house. If Caryn was any kind of woman, she would tell Matt I appreciate you talking to me and needing a listening ear, but I will keep my opinions to myself and stay out of something that does not involve me. But yet Caryn as we can see is not this kind of woman, instead she seems like a money grubbing I will step into another woman's spot and make sure I get what I can because I myself left with nothing from my first marriage so I need to make sure that I secure my retirement with Matt before he figures me out. Yes Caryn seems like a black widow of the sort, she came to put her fanes in Matt, she saw their marriage crumbling and saw her opportunity. But I have admire how Amy has tried to be above the pettiness and kept her over water, and ignore Matt. This is because Amy is with a real man, she has Chris who is keeping her calm because he is being a listening ear without, unlike Caryn, getting involved between Matt's and Amy's situation. Chris as a grown man knows that Amy and Matt needs to handle their own situation of 30 years that they created between the both of them without any interference of outsider. Yes Caryn you are an outsider and you need to remain that way. Wow this show really has upset me, I am so angry I am ready to let TLC off, lol. Anyway this ex couple needs to go about it way and I think Amy and Chris needs their own show, I am not interested in a show with Caryn and Matt together because they are two sneaky snakes who talk down and make jokes on Amy and that is bullying too me. I have a question for Caryn, what did Amy do to you that makes you want to make these side jokes at her. Amy is a woman like you and you should know where she stand and you should stay out of it. I know you were married to Caryn and apparently walked away with nothing from it, but some children that you now trying to get on that farm as well, umm hmmm, you think I didn't pick up on that episode when you brought your kids to the farm and talk how much they enjoyed it when they came on the farm, hint, hint. She was throwing in that Matt would turn that farm to fit her kids now and she will enjoy the fruits of Matt labor, since she had an ex husband who apparently was a dud. All and all I think Matt and Caryn both will get what they deserve, because like it is said keep lying dying with the dogs and wake up with Caryn, lol. Yes I am giving Caryn something back that she give Amy, some little nasty side human that would hurt anyone feelings, so how does it feel now Caryn, especially knowing this is how you doing another woman who is going through as divorce after 30 years of marriage. And what about Matt you say, yes I blame him too but we always knew Matt was  a man, you know one of those ahole men who think treating the woman of his children little something to walk over and treat like she is crap on the ground, after she bore and raised his incredibly well intelligent beautiful children, which I am sure they all go it from their mom. But I would love to see a show with Amy and Chris, and she their other children coming to visit, like their daughter who got married and their youngest son, it would be great and with Chris positive attitude towards things, I think this would be great and them too having so much fun together because they are both adventurous, I would love it.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

JOKER: The Movie: Very Well Done

I have to say Joker the movie, I loved it. I noticed some ratings were not favorable. People as myself would compare this Joker to the Joker Heath Ledger played. But in my opinion in his very own outstanding talented way Joaquin Phoenix killed it, he made the Joker his own and for that I say bravo. I did not think it could be redone after Heath Ledger but I am admitting I was totally wrong. I love what Joaquin brought to the screen not to mention the writing that was written for the storyline. It started out as Thomas Wayne, Bruce Wayne's daddy was suppose to have impregnated a woman that works for him. But it was suppose to be all in the Jokers mom head, she was suppose to be psychotic and imagined sleeping with Thomas Wayne. But the character played by Thomas Wayne was an A-hole and he could have very well slept with the woman and covered it up to not ruin his reputation. So personally I wanted the storyline to continue with Arthur, aka the Joker to remain half brother to Bruce Wayne because this would have made for an excellent storyline when batman returned with this Joker. Bruce was younger at the time and he did not know that Arthur could possibly be his brother, so when the Joker would have appeared face to face with the Batman, could you have imagine how this storyline would go. It is all kinds of ways this storyline could have been written or taken into direction. I really wanted to go to the movies and see this movie, couldn't get anyone to go with me, so I waited, anticipating for the release on dvd and now that I saw it, I know I have missed out not seeing it when it came out in the movies. This actor Joaquin laughing in this movie was so infectious I found myself just busting out laughing for no reason, that is when you know they have made their mark because Mr. Phoenix made this part his own, the laugh, the make up and smile, it was all his own. Yes I think Mr. Phoenix is our new Joker in the Batman movies. Now I can not wait for the new Batman movie to come out with Joaquin Phoenix as Batman because like the movie I know he will kill it, but it will be even spicier with him taken on the caped crusader as they call him. I was really surprised how Mr. Phoenix, who was held in the movie as a hero by the people, because he accidentally was in their eyes fighting for the poor when he killed those rich wall street guys, but this was a self defense mood as we know, but from that he was held a hero to the poor people and it brought out a true villain, who Mr. Phoenix brought to the screen, with his laughter, his stories, his psychotic episodes and even his dancing, yes his dancing was one that was special to me, I loved it. I still think they should have at least left the possible of Arthur could have possibly been Bruch Wayne's brother, he didn't have to be, but if that left that possibility out there I just see how the Batman movies could have had some more substance to it. We some from the records he was abandoned as a baby and his mother apparently adopted him but allowed her boyfriend to abuse this poor little child and that is what had him in the stake he was in, Arthur apparently blocked all this out his mind when he got older until it was brought up again, but he was almost, and I said almost a little human when he thought of the possibility of his dad being Thomas Wayne, because he as any little boy wanted a dad and that was in the back of his mind, but then it was taken away from him, making him all cray cray again, but again it brought so much to the movie how Joaquin Phoenix brought this too the screen, it gave him the chance to put all his acting abilities out there because I saw this man go through a range of emotions and it had me going through a range of emotions watching it. All I can say at this point, well done and now I am here waiting on the next Joaquin as the Joker movie to appear because this time I hitting the theaters as soon as it comes out.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Hell on The Border (Bass Reeves)

I love it, I love it, I love it. They are bringing Bass Reeves story to the big screen and who ever idea this is I love you for considering this. I will have to promote this story as much as I possibly can because it comes out soon but it is not being promoted like it should, especially to the black community, they have to know who Bass Reeves was to appreciate his story then get it out to the community so we can support such a true story. They have some really great actors in this movie as well, love seeing Ron Perlman in it, hell of an actor who has not been given the credit he should have for his acting ability. They have this new up coming and another hell of an actor playing Bass Reeves himself David Gyasi, I know him from Watchmen on HBO but he is known for Annihilation as well. I am rating this movie a ten already and I haven’t seen it as of yet, but the anticipation and me doing a report on Bass Reeves story last February had me really looking into this mans life story and how he was cheated out of his achievement when the country told his story as a white man on television and portrayed it as a fictional story when this slave actually really performed these acts of bravery by bringing in these criminals with some bullets and a Indian tracker. You go Bass Reeves your  story is being told like it should have been years ago, we will support, promote and make sure our children understand the type of respect your storyline deserves because it’s a part of history they can be proud of and understand what kind of bloodline we as blacks have in us. We are strong, we stand for justice even when it’s not our own, we are fighters and we can do anything through Christ who has always been in our walk through our struggles, we came out even stronger. Wow I got this from reading this man’s story, now I want to read it on the big screen. Dec. 13th, 2019. Here is a snip it of this ready for the big screen movie.